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3-3 Milestone One

3-3 Milestone One

Q PHL 230 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Concept Paper In Module Three, you will submit a preliminary sketch of key beliefs for the two religions you would like to compare for this essay. Select one Eastern religion and one Abrahamic religion and begin researching the ways in which those two religions address an issue of your choice. Write a 1- to 2 -page paper (in APA format) on your topic introduction, background research, and comparison of the different beliefs covered in your submission. Your concept paper should incorporate at least 2–3 scholarly sources from your research. You may select a topic of interest for you for this paper. Alternatively, you may consider one of the following topics for how the two religions approach it: • Existential questions and issues surrounding the afterlife Consider: What do the two religions have to say about what happens after we die? Where do the two religions converge and diverge on the question of the existence of a God or god(s)? • Defining the good life and/or happiness Consider: How do the two religions believe the good life is achieved, if it can be achieved? What are the beliefs that have and are informing current religious practices? What do the religions have to say about the pursuit of happiness • Questions of social justice and/or equity for all citizens Consider: How do the two religions treat questions of justice in society? Where do the two religions stand in terms of the equal rights of all citizens in society, regardless of background? How are they responding to current events and the issues they present? Annotated Bibliography Include, on separate page(s), an annotated bibliography that provides a detailed explanation of each of the sources you have collected so far. The minimum requirement is 4–6 sources reflecting a breadth and depth of research appropriate for this paper. In other words, your sources will not be exhaustive, but they should fit the scope of your paper and support the claims you will make. Annotated bibliographies provide you with the opportunity to cite, summarize, and compare and contrast resources you will use in a paper. You will cite each resource in APA style, write an approximately 150-word description that summarizes the central theme and scope of the resource, and compare and contrast it with other resources. For more information on annotated bibliographies, consult the following resource from the Shapiro Library: What is an Annotated Bibliography and How Do I Write One? Depending on the assignment, the annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes, including but not limited to reviewing the literature on a particular subject; illustrating the quality of research you have done; providing examples of the types of resources available; describing other items on a topic that may be of interest to the reader; and/or exploring the subject for further research. (Source: Prompt: Your concept paper should incorporate at least 2–3 scholarly sources from your research. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Concept Paper: I. Topic Introduction: Describe the background on your selected topic. Why is this topic of particular importance? What are the key elements of this topic? II. Key Beliefs: Clearly explain the relevant beliefs of the two selected religions as they apply to the topic. Support your response with evidence as appropriate. III. Comparison: Identify key similarities and differences between the two religions on the topic you have chosen. Support your response with evidence as appropriate. Annotated Bibliography: IV. Bibliography Entries: Provide a review of all the identified sources and an analysis of how those sources will be used in the paper. V. Bibliography Sources: Incorporate 4–6 scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research for your paper. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Your annotated bibliography should fall on separate page(s) from your concept paper. Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Topic Introduction Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes the background on Describes the background on Does not describe the 15 introduction is exceptionally selected issue with minimal selected issue with issues in background on selected issue clear and concise (100%) issues in clarity or accuracy clarity, accuracy, or supporting (0%) (85%) evidence (55%) Key Beliefs Meets “Proficient” criteria and Accurately explains relevant Identifies beliefs of the two Does not identify beliefs of the 15 provides a thorough beliefs of the two selected selected religions, but with two selected religions (0%) explanation of relevant key religions (85%) issues in clarity, accuracy, or beliefs of the two selected supporting evidence (55%) religions (100%) Comparison Meets “Proficient” criteria and Accurately identifies similarities Identifies similarities and Does not identify similarities 15 comparison is exceptionally and differences as they relate differences between religions and differences between clear and concise (100%) to the topic with minimal as they relate to the topic but religions (0%) errors (85%) with issues in clarity, accuracy, or supporting evidence (55%) Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Bibliography Entries Meets “Proficient” criteria and Provides a review of all the Provides a partial review of all Provides an insufficient or 20 review is exceptionally clear identified sources and an the identified sources or a incomplete review of all the and detailed (100%) analysis of how those sources partial analysis of how those identified sources and/or an will be used in the paper (85%) sources will be used in the insufficient or incomplete paper (55%) analysis of how those sources will be used in the paper (0%) Bibliography Sources N/A Incorporates 4–6 scholarly Incorporates 4–6 scholarly Incorporates fewer than 4 20 resources that reflect depth resources with significant scholarly resources or uses and breadth of research with issues in relevance or resources that are not minimal issues in relevance or credibility (55%) considered reliable, balanced, credibility (100%) and accurate (0%) Articulation of Submission is free of errors Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors Submission has critical errors 15 Response related to citations, grammar, related to organization, related to organization, related to organization, spelling, syntax, or organization grammar and style, and grammar and style, and grammar and style, and (100%) citations (85%) citations that negatively impact citations that prevent readability and articulation of understanding of ideas (0%) main ideas (55%) Total 100%

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1. Introduction: I have selected Christianity and Hinduism as the two religions to focus my concept paper on. My life is still heavily influenced by Christianity, even though I don't attend church. While Hinduism is something that I am extremely fascinated by and would like to dive into and learn more about it. While both religions differ from each other, they are worldly popular, and beloved by many. Compared to Hinduism, Christianity is a monotheistic religion. 2. Existential Questions and Religion: A. Existence and the Afterlife of Christianity • What happens when we die? • Is there heaven or hell?